In December 1999, Anfield opened its doors with a fundamental belief that we strive to enrich children’s hearts and minds. We are committed to teaching our children how important it is to respect and show kindness to everyone. Our vision and mission are for all pupils to flourish as human beings, becoming joyful, self-confident and respectful individuals.
Throughout the years, the Anfield community has been involved in a variety of charity and fundraising activities. These include: charity collecting boxes for Children’s Cancer Foundation at Anfield, fundraising events for Tsunami Relief 2004 to rebuild fishing villages in Thailand, supporting Oxfam Hong Kong for relief work for the Sichuan earthquake and Myanmar cyclone in 2008, and also working links with Teach Unlimited Foundation, Crossroads International, Watchdog Hong Kong, Home of Love, Community Chest, Society for Community Organization, China Coast Community Home, Caritas Internationalis Fund for the Emergency Response Fund, Peoples’ Food Bank, SEN Rights, Refugee Union and the HK Committee on Children’s Rights.
In September 2015, Anfield Hearts Foundation (AHF) was officially established and we are a registered tax-exempt charitable organisation under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) in Hong Kong. The Anfield School Board founded this charitable foundation hoping to pass on the generosity of heart and passion to care for others in our Anfield community.